Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Your Spa Vision "Where should I put it?"

     When you fantasize about the luxury of a personal spa in your own back yard, what do you see?  Do you see scenes from that new movie, Hot Tub Time Machine? For some, perhaps. Maybe you see family time, with the kids or grandkids. How about quiet time, early, early morning. Just before sunrise. You're in the tub listening to the birds begin their morning melodies, sipping a cup of your favorite brew. I could go on and on.....the reasons you want a spa are personal and unique. But understanding those reasons enable you to begin deciding, how big, where, what features and so forth.
    One thing many prospective spa owners struggle with is choosing to install the spa outdoors rather than indoors.  Concerns for privacy and weather conditions often lead  one toward an indoor installation.  It's easy to assume you'll use your spa more inside than you would out.  But exactly the opposite is true for most people, especially in Colorado.   The dry weather and air make an outside installation a wonderful experience.  The beautiful night sky, the sunsets and sunrises make your hot tub experience visual and well as tactile.

     There are some things you can do to make an outdoor installation work best.  First, the closer to the door the better.  Taking just a few steps from the door to the spa makes it easy and comfortable to use your spa.  Longer distances from the door to the spa can make it more chilling than warming.  Also, a cover lifter makes removing and replacing the cover simple and easy.  Of course your landscaping and garden beds, patio furniture and grill equipment,  make everything come together to create  your vision, your backyard paradise.          


  1. Your comments about having the tub outside seem most appropriate. I have seen all sorts of humidity control problems with indoor units. I also like breathing the fresh air instead of the recycled air from indoors. What kind of ideas do you have for privacy screening?

  2. Privacy can be achieved in several different ways. Certainly pre fab fencing, available at your local home improvement center, can be used. Fencing can be installed only where it needs to be, allowing for access around the spa but providing privacy screening where necessary. Landscaping products like bushes, hedges, and climbing vines work as well.

  3. Great!! One thing many prospective spa owners struggle with is choosing to install the spa outdoors rather than indoors. I think you can use your hot tub in own back yard place.
